Set Up Your Voicemail, Signature, and Digital Business Card


In the world of Real Estate, first impressions are everything. A lackluster greeting on a voicemail can be a missed opportunity to create a client relationship. Even the standard greeting that every agent seems to use on their phone is not impressive. Just like a great headshot, a voicemail greeting can convey a sense of professionalism and set the tone for the communication throughout the relationship.

So take a few minutes and THINK about a good script that fits your personality and style.

ChatGPT is a great tool to use to help you write a voicemail script. You can ask for different tones, change the sentences, include relevant information to your business, etc.

Here are two examples:

PROMPT: I am a Real Estate Agent. Give me a short voice mail script in a professional, yet friendly tone.

CHATGPT: Certainly! Here’s a short and professional voicemail script tailored for a real estate agent:

Begin Script: “Hello, you’ve reached [Your Name], your dedicated real estate expert at [Your Real Estate Agency]. I’m currently assisting other clients in finding their dream homes. Your call is extremely important to me. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message, and I’ll get back to you at my earliest convenience. Whether you’re buying, selling, or just exploring the market, I’m here to provide you with top-notch real estate solutions. Thank you for calling, and have a wonderful day!” End Script.


Begin Script: “Hello, you’ve reached [Your Name], your dedicated real estate expert at [Your Real Estate Agency]. I’m currently assisting other clients in finding their dream homes. Your call is extremely important to me. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message, and I’ll get back to you at my earliest convenience. Whether you’re buying, selling, or just exploring the market, I’m here to provide you with top-notch real estate solutions. Thank you for calling, and have a wonderful day!” End Script.

These scripts aim to convey professionalism and approachability, assuring the caller that their inquiry is valued and will be addressed promptly.

Don’t just record it once, and forget about it.

Listen to it. Critique it. Ask others to listen and critique it.

It is suggested that you record a new greeting every month to make it seasonal and relevant. It shows that you are current and active in your work environment. For example, you might want to say something about a holiday, special event in your community, or something going on with a major sports team.

It can’t be stated enough- you only get one chance at a first impression. Make it count.


An mail signature is an important marketing tool in the real estate industry. It gives potential clients a summary of your business and makes it easy for them to find you online. An email with a good signature makes a good first impression on clients and prospects by adding credibility.

Your photo, contact information, your website, social medial links, and your your company information is a MUST. Including your accreditations, any important groups or clubs you belong to, and awards you have won or been honored with can add to your professional image. 

Adding calls to action can really be important- because people need to be told where to go and what to do! An example may be adding a button that says “See My Most Recent Solds” or “Read my latest Blog” can really go a long way.


Most agents access and send emails from a variety of sites- an email program on their home computer and another from their laptop, from their phones and tablets, and from their CRM and Transaction Management Systems.

Using a professional service, you can create one email signature, and then paste it into the different sites you use- ensuring consistency and a professional look. is our preferred provider.

And it’s FREE!

It allows you to create a Professional signature, include your photo, and links to your website and social sites you want, as well as calls to action. 

PLUS it assists you with step by step instructions for adding your signature to your email servers, your phones and tablets, and allows you to download the HTML code so you can paste it into your CRM (WiseAgent) and TMS (SkySlope) signatures.

Here is an example: 


Adding different calls to action, a link to your newest blog, or any event or special announcement engages your customers to VISIT your sites and interact with you.


This is a UNQIUE way to market yourself and hardly anyone will take the time to do it. It’s a great way to stand out from the crowded field of agents and get potential customers to engage you and your marketing efforts.

You could have a signature for use with home sellers, another for buyers, and a third for agents on the other side of your transaction. You could have a general signature for everyday business work, and another when dealing with vendors.

The possibilities are endless. And Free.


Digital Business Cards make it easy to connect with customers, other business professionals, and new leads.

Its the 2020’s. Paper business cards, though still useful in some areas, don’t have the reach and effect that digital cards do. 

A digital business card, just like a professional email signature, allows you to customize the content that you want to share with customers. You can share social links, ask for reviews, share a link to your podcast and newsletters, and more. Plus it is a fantastic way to share your contact information on posts, buttons, calls to action, landing pages, and any place that is digital. It’s a link. Just like a website. 

But better.

We use POPL. a POPL device is a stick on disk that you can ad to your phone that uses NFT- near field technology- to share your digital business card with anyone that you choose. Simply hold your POPL near the top of someones phone, and a message will appear to open the webpage that your card is linked to. You can also share via QR Code, Text, a button or link in an email or posting, or any variety of ways.

The best way to learn about POPL is directly from their site. 

Using a digital business card like POPL is also a fantastic way to collect potential leads and import them directly into your CRM (WiseAgent). In conjunction with Zapier, you can send a POPL connection directly to your CRM and then have the CRM take it from there, such as sending a welcome email, video, or text. You can have it categorize the contact for you as well. It’s a great addition to your CRM!

Here are two examples:

A personal account is free with POPL

Sign up HERE

Below are two videos- one explains what POPL is and one explains how to set it up!


Let’s make your vision a reality!