Join The MLS and A Local Real Estate Board

SandPeak Realty is currently a member of three local Real Estate Boards. Our primary board of choice is the West Pasco Board of Realtors, and secondary choices are the Realtor Board of Citrus County and the Hernando Board of Realtors.

Hernando and Citrus boards each have their own MLS system, whereas West Pasco is a member of StellarMLS. StellarMLS is one of the largest MLS system in the state- offering more coverage and visibility for an agent. This is the top reason that the West Pasco board is our recommended first choice for agents.

Speak with our broker to determine which board is best for you and your personal business.

Each board has its own dues structure. Ensure that you understand the fee structure and when your dues are paid, as you are fully responsible for all payments.

Ensure that when you register at the board, that you sign up for your eKey service. (Additional training will be covered in another course)

As part of you dues to the local boards, also included are dues to the Florida Assocation of Realtors (FAR) and the National Association of Realtors (NAR). Upon initially joining, you will be required to attend an orientation session to the board, as well NAR required ethics training. Once you have completed ethics training, you will be able to advertise yourself as a REALTOR®.

FAR and NAR offer many benefits for realtors. Make sure to visit their websites to see just what they can do to help enhance your business!

Here are direct links to all three boards:


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